Today you are going to learn something fascinating that can leave anyone surprised by the fact that how can such things be hand made. This is an instax card or I would say a rotating card. That means a card that open after rotating it in anti-clockwise direction. This is made only by paper folding and everyone will enjoy making it. Requirements: 1. Eight 15*15 cm white sheets 2. Glue Steps: 1. Take one sheet of paper and fold it diagonally in both directions as shown in figure. 2. Now take one corner of paper and place it over the cross made by folds at center and repeat the same with the opposite edge (figure will appear like v). 3. Take one edge (shown in figure ) and place it over the diagonal crease and do the same with opposite edge (figure will appear like vii). 4. Observe the points marked A and B in figure viii, take point B and place it over A and your figure will be similar to the one shown in fig. ix. 5. Now again take point marked as A in fig. Ix and...
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